1. Write thoughts in a journal. Include feeling words. Don't stop to worry about good grammar, spelliing, or punctuation. Just get it down.
2. Use a sentence starter such as "I am happy/sad/angry" when... and write as quickly as you can anything that comes to mind for at least 10 minutes. This process can lead to some surprising insights.
3. Take a plain sheet of paper and a pencil, crayons, or markers. Pick a color at random and apply it to the paper. Draw shapes, lines, blobs. Note the colors, the pressure you are using to draw, the feel of the pencil/marker/crayon against the roughness of the paper. Pay attention to the process of the exercise rather than the outcome. What are the colors and shapes communicating to you?
4. Draw a scene from your childhood. Pick the first scene that comes to mind. Sketch quickly without censoring yourself. What feelings surface as you draw?
Are there other things that work for you? I would love to hear from you, either by comments on the blog or by sending messages directly to me at [email protected].